What to Expect During a LASIK Consultation

The purpose of a LASIK consultation is to determine if your eyes are healthy and to rule out any potential problems before surgery is authorized. Your doctor will start by asking about your medical history and lifestyle, as well as your expectations for the procedure. This is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. After that, the doctor will perform a series of tests to measure the accuracy of the laser used during the surgery.

These tests will take around two to three hours and will provide your surgeon with a wealth of information about your eyes and vision. Once finished, you and your doctor will be able to determine if LASIK surgery or another laser vision correction option is recommended. At Stahl Eyecare Experts, we offer specialized care for routine eye exams, diagnosis, and treatment of eye injuries and diseases. We also provide LASIK surgery on Long Island for those looking for a specialist in laser eye surgery.

Our team of experienced doctors are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your lifestyle.

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