Can Anyone Get Laser Eye Surgery? A Comprehensive Guide

In general, laser eye surgery is an effective and quick way to correct certain vision problems, but not everyone is eligible for the procedure. People with moderate degrees of refractive error and no unusual vision issues are usually good candidates for LASIK treatment. However, if a person has unusually thin or irregular corneas, the laser eye surgeon may recommend ASLA, while SMILE may be recommended for those with a high degree of myopia. It's important to note that people with serious refractive errors or eye diseases, such as keratoconus, glaucoma and cataracts, should not undergo refractive surgery.

Additionally, those with uncontrolled autoimmune disorders or a family history of keratoconus may be more likely to experience complications with laser eye surgery. If you're considering laser eye surgery, the best way to find out if it's right for you is through a comprehensive, free, and no-obligation LASIK consultation at TLC Laser Eye Centers. Your local TLC center can also refer you to a LASIK doctor with experience in your community. It's important to remember that undergoing surgery before the eyes are fully formed can reduce the long-term results a person would expect to get from treatment. The same research also found that LASIK eye surgery significantly reduced the rate of common side effects in people who wear contact lenses, such as eye infections, ulcers and abrasions.

With more than two decades of practical experience in eye surgery, Dr. Binetter specializes in cataracts, lens implantation and laser eye surgery. For those who are eligible for laser eye surgery, it can be an effective solution for improving vision. However, it's important to note that you may still need eyeglasses or contact lenses after LASIK treatment. When considering laser eye surgery, it's important to understand the risks and benefits associated with the procedure.

While it can be an effective way to improve vision, it's not suitable for everyone. People with serious refractive errors or eye diseases should not undergo refractive surgery. Additionally, those with uncontrolled autoimmune disorders or a family history of keratoconus may be more likely to experience complications with laser eye surgery. The best way to determine if laser eye surgery is right for you is through a comprehensive consultation at TLC Laser Eye Centers. During this free and no-obligation consultation, your doctor will assess your eyes and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

It's important to remember that undergoing surgery before the eyes are fully formed can reduce the long-term results a person would expect to get from treatment. For those who are eligible for laser eye surgery, it can be an effective solution for improving vision. However, it's important to note that you may still need eyeglasses or contact lenses after LASIK treatment.

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