What Activities Should be Avoided After Eye Surgery?

If you've recently had eye surgery, such as LASIK or cataract surgery, it's important to take precautions to ensure a successful recovery. Certain activities can cause complications and should be avoided. Swimming, heavy lifting, contact sports, and other activities can all increase the risk of infection or other issues.

Swimming is a popular activity that should be avoided for a few days or weeks after surgery. Depending on your surgeon's instructions, you may be allowed to swim after a few days or weeks. If you decide to swim, make sure to use swimming goggles to protect your eyes from water and irritants. The chlorine in a swimming pool can also be harmful, so it's best to wear sunglasses as well. Hot tubs should also be avoided, as they can contain more bacteria than swimming pools. Natural bodies of water, such as lakes, should also be avoided due to the presence of sand and other particles that can irritate your eyes.

Heavy lifting should also be avoided for at least a week after surgery. Lifting heavy objects can cause musculoskeletal injuries and lead to a detached retina. Other activities that increase eye pressure, such as anaerobic exercises, should also be avoided for a week. Bending over can also increase the pressure inside the eye and interfere with the healing process.

Cataract surgery patients should limit their activity for the first few weeks. This includes swimming, which can affect the eye's natural healing processes. Wearing sunglasses can help protect your eyes from light and debris. Wraparound sunglasses are recommended to prevent dust from entering the eye. You should also avoid rubbing or touching your eye during the first few weeks after surgery.

Patients who have had a trabeculectomy should also avoid contact sports for a week. Motorcycling and horseback riding can be safe after two to three days, while golf and baseball should be delayed longer. Hot tubs, pools, pollen-covered parks, and fitness centers have all been linked to an increased risk of infection and should be avoided until you are fully recovered.

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