Can People with Astigmatism Get Laser Eye Surgery?

There is a common misconception that astigmatism rules out LASIK as an option, but in reality, people with mild to moderate astigmatism may be candidates for the procedure. Of course, you must be a candidate for LASIK in general in order to be a candidate for LASIK treatment for astigmatism. Most people with astigmatism who meet the basic eligibility criteria will be able to have laser eye surgery. In some cases, a person's refractive error (prescription for eyeglasses) is too high or too irregular to undergo laser eye surgery.

The images usually focus on the retina, in the back of the eye. With myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism, they end up focusing in front or behind the retina, causing blurred vision. Most patients who are good candidates for LASIK will be able to have laser eye surgery for astigmatism. However, while most types of astigmatism can be easily treated with LASIK surgery, there are some that can't.

For example, LASIK may not be able to correct irregular astigmatism. Before a LASIK procedure, the eye doctor will evaluate detailed eye measurements and evaluate the overall health of the eye. The eye doctor can talk to you about the price in terms of the cost per eye, since each of your eyes may need different amounts of testing, treatment, and follow-up care, depending on the advice. The eye surgeon will ask you detailed questions about your eye health and evaluate them to make sure you don't have any conditions that could cause complications or poor results from the surgery.

Unlike glasses or contact lenses, which only treat astigmatism so that you can see clearly with assistive devices, laser eye surgery is the only treatment that can resolve astigmatism and you will no longer need glasses or contact lenses. After a complete exam, a laser eye surgeon will tell you if astigmatism can be corrected by laser eye surgery and what type of laser eye surgery is best for you. LASIK eye surgery is a laser-assisted procedure that changes the shape of the cornea, the transparent front surface of the eye. However, the laser eye procedures for which you are an ideal candidate will vary depending on your vision correction needs.

Ultimately, to find out if you're eligible for laser eye surgery, the next step is to book a consultation with a surgeon to see if you meet the eligibility criteria. Many articles, including this one, use the term LASIK to refer to all types of laser eye surgery. Most health plans don't cover the cost of laser eye surgery because they consider it an elective procedure, according to Mayo Clinic. Patients with astigmatism over 55 years of age may be better suited for lens replacement surgery than for laser eye surgery.

With monovision, one eye is corrected for distant vision and the other for near vision. Laser eye surgery corrects refractive error in the cornea so that instead of two focal points, there is only one focal point in focus after surgery. In general, laser eye surgery is best suited for people who have a moderate degree of refractive error and who don't have unusual vision problems. If you have been diagnosed with astigmatism and are considering laser eye surgery, it's important to understand your options and what type of procedure would be best suited for your individual needs.

It's also important to understand that not everyone with astigmatism is eligible for laser eye surgery and that there are certain risks associated with any type of surgical procedure. Before making any decisions about your vision correction needs, it's important to consult with an experienced ophthalmologist who can provide you with all of the information you need to make an informed decision.

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