The Pros and Cons of Laser Eye Surgery

For many people who rely on eyeglasses or contact lenses to see well, the idea of undergoing laser eye surgery has crossed their minds. LASIK surgery is a permanent treatment that can help improve vision dramatically, but it's important to understand the potential risks and side effects before making a decision. Complications that cause vision loss are very rare, but common side effects such as dry eyes and temporary visual problems, such as glare, can occur. In addition, there are other factors to consider such as cost, recovery time, and underlying health conditions.

The goal of LASIK surgery is to adjust the cornea by using lasers to remove cells from some areas, creating a uniform shape that refracts light well. The laser used in the procedure is designed to turn off if sudden eye movements occur that could cause injuries or errors. The procedure is painless due to the anesthetic eye drops applied beforehand. Although complications from laser eye surgery are rare and can usually be corrected with additional surgery, there are still risks involved.

Side effects such as dry eyes and temporary visual problems, such as glare, are quite common and usually go away after a few weeks or months. However, some people may experience more serious effects ranging from three months of dry eyes to loss of vision. The corneal flap may also be accidentally detached during the healing process, which can complicate the results. Making the decision to undergo or waive the procedure is a personal choice and should be based on an individual's lifestyle and needs.

If you have any underlying health conditions, they may interact poorly with LASIK, so you may not receive the type of correction you want. For most people, topical artificial tears, topical medications for dry eyes, and the use of oral omega-3 fatty acids can alleviate most of the symptoms and signs of LASIK-induced eye dryness. We look forward to working with you to determine the best eye surgery or non-surgical treatment for your individual needs. Laser eye surgery is a permanent treatment that can help improve vision dramatically, but it's important not to expect miracles. If you have any questions about the potential risks or side effects of laser eye surgery, don't hesitate to contact us.

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