Is LASIK Eye Surgery Reliable?

LASIK eye surgery is one of the most popular and commonly performed laser refractive surgeries to correct vision problems. It is an alternative to eyeglasses or contact lenses, and has been around for over 20 years, with 20 million procedures and more than 7,000 clinical studies conducted. The procedure is considered to be an excellent vision correction option, but it is still a surgery and carries risks and benefits like any other. The healing process after the surgery takes two to three months before the eye heals and vision stabilizes.

Excimer laser is as safe and effective as the LASIK procedure, and it is a unique tool for refractive surgeons since the excimer wavelength is specific to corneal tissue. Doctors often use wavefront-guided technology to evaluate the eye in detail before LASIK surgery. Millions of Americans have undergone LASIK eye surgery to correct their vision, but a retired consultant who was part of the FDA committee that approved the procedure in 1996 has called for it to be banned. The cornea deflects light precisely onto the retina at the back of the eye in eyes with normal vision.

A tracking system monitors the eye thousands of times per second and adjusts the laser as needed to ensure that it is applied in precise locations. The eye surgeon uses a small blade or a sharp laser to cut a small, hinged flap to separate it from the front of the eye. Certain side effects of LASIK eye surgery, such as dry eyes and temporary visual problems like glare, are quite common. When patient activist Paula Cofer learned that laser eye surgeries were skyrocketing during the pandemic, she was disappointed but not surprised.

During the evaluation, the eye doctor will ask about medical and surgical history and perform a complete eye exam to evaluate vision and determine if it is safe to undergo the procedure. Based on research and clinical experience with LASIK surgery, the complication rate of LASIK eye surgery is estimated to be well below 1 percent. We look forward to working with you to determine the best eye surgery or nonsurgical treatment for your individual needs.

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